Jacob Barber - The Crash Retrieval Whistleblower

Hunting UFOs: The Crash Retrieval Whistleblower with Ross Coulthart


  • Jacob Barber, previously recruited into the Air Force Elite Combat Control unit, was contracted as a helicopter pilot as part of an assignment to retrieve crashed aircraft.
  • He was within 150 feet of a recovered UAP - shaped like an egg, the size of an SUV, with a pearly white metallic color.
  • He claims the military has special teams with 'psionic' abilities (psychic powers) able to summon, communicate and interface with UAPs and persuade them to land.
  • In the days after the event, he had lost the hair on his body and had the skin on his arms falling off, in addition to developing a severe heart murmur.
  • Read the NewsNation article - UAP recovery video shows 'egg-shaped' object: Exclusive 

Video #1 - The Special


Just visually looking at the object on the ground, you could tell that it was extraordinary and anomalous. It was not human.
There was no engine. There was no thermal signature.

Video #2 - Follow-up Discussion

Video #3 - Full Interview with Jacob Barber

The full interview with Jacob Barber, with topics including:

  • Jacob's background and grooming process
  • An overview of the recovery process
  • Jacob's attempts to catalyze disclosure through the DOPSR process
  • Catastrophic disclosure versus protecting America
  • Wet works
  • Intimidation of Congress
  • Dr. Steven Greer
  • Indonesia
  • Caution about vilifying the Military Industrial Complex
  • The importance of love and optimism
  • An introduction to Skywatcher, their experience, and their plan to scientifically validate the existence of UAPs in the sky.

Video #4 - Full Interview with Fred Baker

The full interview with with Fred Baker, a U.S. Air Force and special warfare veteran, discussing:

  • His anomalous experiences
  • Working with UFO whistleblower Jake Barber
  • His thoughts on Non-Human Intelligence.

Video #5 - Full Interview with Lt. Col. John Blitch, PHD.

The full interview with former Green Beret Lt. Col. John Blitch, PHD., discussing:

  • His experience with anomalous activity
  • Whistleblower Jake Barber's claims of a secret government UFO crash retrieval program.

Video #6 - Full Interview with veteran Don Paul Bales.

The full interview with law enforcement and military veteran Don Paul Bales, discussing:

  • What he thought about UAPs before his involvement with Jake Barber
  • Why he believes claims people have been murdered for speaking out against the government while dealing with the subject of UAPs.

Video #7 - Full Interview with Stanford immunologist Dr. Garry Nolan.

Ross Coulthart's full interview with world-renowned Stanford immunologist Dr. Garry Nolan, discussing:

  • What Nolan found while researching injuries for the CIA
  • Whistleblower Jake Barber's allegations he suffered permanent damage due to exposure to UAPs.

Video #8 - Ross Coulthart Live Q&A and more on Jake Barber.

Ross Coulthart answers your questions in this live question and answer session.

The ever-emerging understanding of non-human intelligence (NHI) - also known as nonhuman intelligence (NHI)

Depending on who you ask, your cultural background, tribe or spiritual beliefs, we document and cite topics, legislation, research and news with similar nonhuman related terminology that may also be associated with or referred to as disclosure, extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI), cryptoterrestrial hypothesis, interdimensional beings, aliens, biologics, consciousness, psionics, psi, psi-phenomena, psychic phenomena, telepathy, ontology, unidentified flying objects (UFO), unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP), unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), transmedium objects, observables, quantum gravity, anti-gravity, angels, light beings, fast movers, physics, metaphysics and more.