U.S. Senate Oversight Hearing on All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office and UAPs/UFOs
The U.S. Senate Committee on Armed Services Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities held a hearing to receive testimony on the activities of the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) about Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs/UFOs).
Dr. Jon Kosloski, the new Director of the Defense Department's All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), testified on oversight of his office and government activities related to Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs).
Shapes of UAP.
Overview of some `very anomalous` cases that merit further analysis.
AARO does not believe every object is a bird, a balloon, or a UAV.
Our most interesting cases, some of which I will discuss later, are actually the shapes such as the triangles or the cylinders.
...brought to us by a law enforcement
officer out West, where he observed a large orange orb
floating several hundred feet above the ground, a couple of
miles away.
He went to investigate what was going on with
that orb, and as he was pulling up to the location where he
thought would be below the orb, about 40 to 60 meters away
from some object, the area was well lit, he saw a blacker
than black object.
He said it was about the size of a Prius, 4 to 6 feet wide.
And as he got 40 to 60 meters away from the object it tilted up about 45 degrees, and then it
shot up vertically, he says 10 to 100 times faster than
anything drone he has ever seen before.
And it did that without making a sound, as far as he could tell from inside
of his vehicle.
And just as it left his field of view
through his windshield then it emitted very bright red and
blue lights that illuminated the inside of his vehicle, as
brightly as if someone had set off fireworks just outside
his vehicle, or street flares.
So that is anomalous because of the size of the vehicle
with the great acceleration, and when he came back to
investigate that area he found no disturbance of the ground
beneath it.
So that is one interesting one.
...from Southeast U.S. There was
a U.S. facility where two cars of government contractors
were leaving the facility, around 9:00 in the morning.
They looked up in the sky and saw a large metallic cylinder,
about the size of a commercial airplane, and it was
They observed that there was a very bright,
white light behind or around the object.
They saw it stationary for 15 to 20 seconds, and then it disappeared.
Obviously, an object that large, stationary unless it is a
blimp, is unusual, but then disappearing, we cannot explain
how that would happen.
A Syntactic Catch-22
It is important to underscore that, to date, AARO has not discovered any verifiable evidence of extraterrestrial beings, activity, or technology.
It is just the nature of resolution. We can only resolve things that we understand.
Left: Susan Gough (Psychological operations expert, Defense Press Operations, OSD), Right: Dr. Jon Kosloski (Director, AARO)
Although only a very small percentage of reports received by AARO are potentially anomalous, these are the cases that require significant time, resources, and a focused scientific inquiry by AARO and its network of partners.
AARO is committed to the highest standards of scientific integrity.
We will not foreclose on any explanation for UAP prematurely.
We will continue to follow the science and data wherever they lead.
We will continue to have an open and frank dialogue with Congress in settings like these and in classified briefings.
We will continue to keep you fully and currently informed of all UAP information, active or historical.
And finally, we will share as much information as possible at the unclassified level to inform the public of AARO's activities and its findings.
The ever-emerging understanding of non-human intelligence (NHI) - also known as nonhuman intelligence (NHI)
Depending on who you ask, your cultural background, tribe or spiritual beliefs,
we document and cite topics, legislation, research and news with similar nonhuman related terminology that may also be associated with or referred to as
disclosure, extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI), cryptoterrestrial hypothesis, interdimensional beings, aliens, biologics, consciousness, psionics, psi, psi-phenomena, psychic phenomena,
telepathy, ontology, unidentified flying objects (UFO), unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP), unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), transmedium objects, observables, quantum gravity,
anti-gravity, angels, light beings, fast movers, physics, metaphysics and more.