The following are key excerpts and their source clips from the interview.
The crash retrieval program, spacecraft & the Vatican
The UAP Task Force was refused access to a broad crash retrieval program... Retrieving non-human origin technical vehicles - call it spacecraft if you will - non-human, exotic origin, vehicles that either landed or crashed.
We have spacecraft from another species?
We do, yeah.
How many?
Quite a number.
You've said that we have, the United States, has spacecraft - intact craft?
We do.
Do we have bodies? Do we have species of non-human?
Well naturally, when you recover something that's either landed or crashed, sometimes you encounter dead pilots. And believe it or not, as fantastical as that sounds, its true.
Have you seen spacecraft?
I've seen some interesting photos and I've read some very interesting reports.
1933 was the first recovery in Europe, in Magenta, Italy. They recovered a partially intact vehicle.
The Italian Government moved it to a secure airbase in Italy for the rest of the fascist regime, until 1944 / 1945, then Pope Pius the 12th back-channeled that... told the Americans what the Italians had and we ended up scooping it.
You're saying that the Catholic Church - the Vatican - they know about the existence of non-human intelligence on this planet?
What can you tell me about the Roswell craft?
[un?]fortunately those details are not approved for me to talk about right now.
It is a matter of public record - multiple witnesses say there were bodies recovered from the Roswell craft.
I think you might want to trust some of these witnesses.
In 1967, UAPs were tampering with nuclear weapons at Malmstrom Airforce Base, Montana
A lot of them [spacecraft] are very large... like a football field kind of size - and I remember interviewing these personnel, and I'm like, either these people are lying to me, or having a psychotic break, or this is some crazy but true stuff that's happening and I have no good explanation that's prosaic at all for this - cause this is not explainable by swamp gas... This is like tangible technical craft they're seeing - up close and personal in some cases when I interviewed people.
The Government has been the custodian of a lot of this, and they'll hand-receipt it out to a cleared defense contractor to do some analysis - which I find highly unethical - you have a sole-source arrangement, and you have certain private corporate elements to look at this, develop a potential insight, and then sell it back to the Government for profit - and I think that is totally unethical.
We are not alone - Non-Human Intelligence (NHI)
You are alleging that the US Government has been concealing the existence, on this planet, of alien life?
I would couch it as Non-Human Intelligence (NHI)... I don't want to necessarily denote origin - I don't think we have all the data to say "oh, they're coming from a certain location"... as somebody who has studied physics, maybe they're coming from a different physical dimension as described in Quantum Mechanics...
You're saying there is an intelligent species engaging with this planet?
Yes, that's potentially extraterrestrial.
You are saying, to the human race, for the first time - an official intelligence representative at a high-level from the US Government, is saying publicly: "we are not alone"?
We're definitely not alone. Absolutely the data points - empirically that we're not alone, yeah.
... it could be that this is not necessarily extraterrestrial, and that its actually coming from a higher dimensional physical space that might be co-located right here.
Witnesses & Proof
I have plenty of current former senior intelligence officers that came to me - many which I knew almost my whole career - that confided in me they were a part of a program - they named the program - I'd never heard of it - and they told me, based on their oral testimony, and they provided me documents and other proof that there was in fact a program that the UAP Task Force was not read into.
Why should we believe you?
We provided the proof internally to the Inspector General and the Hill staff - we went into all the details - I mean, I have the credentials, I was an intelligence officer on the UAP Task Force.
The Inspector General of the Intelligence Services of the United States has the information you've got?
And more importantly, the Inspector General made a determination about the credibility of your complaint?
They found, after interviewing myself and the subjects, and other subjects that I'm not even cognizant of who they were, they found my complaint urgent and credible for the intelligence committees.
The word 'credible' is important... An official investigatory body of the United States has determined that your allegations are credible?
NewsNation confirmed that Dave Grusch is who he says he is...
Is there anything in your medical history that might be capable of being interpreted as a reason why you might be confabulating / making things up?
I am for real, and I am sitting here at great personal risk and obvious professional risk by talking to you today.
You haven't been fed disinformation?
I was very sensitive to that... Was this some kind of rouse against me? Am I being used in any kind of way?
I took about 4 years being very methodical before I filed my whistleblower complaint - to be absolutely certain of these basic facts.
Why do you know it is exotic?
Based on the very specific properties that I was briefed on... isotopic ratios that would have to be engineered... extremely strange heavy atomic metal ... arrangements...
You're absolutely sure that the materials that these craft are made of are clearly not of this Earth?
Yeah, they're sophisticatedly engineered - certainly not by humans.
How [did] you convince yourself that this is real?
Based upon the credentialed people that came to me, some of these subjects provided me sensitive foreign intelligence to read, sensitive program documents and photographs to evaluate, and then described in very specific detail how all this worked and they were telling me the exact, extremely specific details that all checked out.
I make myself available to Secretary [Lloyd] Austin, DNI [Avril] Haines who was the recipient of my complaints.
I'm happy to further brief elected officials...
There's a sophisticated disinformation campaign targeting the US populace, which is extremely unethical and immoral.
I know Dr Sean Kirkpatrick - I've known him for about 8 years, and I expressed some concerns to Dr Kirkpatrick about a year ago and told him what I was starting to uncover, and he didn't follow up with me. And he has my phone number - he could have called me. I hope he ultimately does the right thing. He should be able to make the same investigative discoveries I did - it's totally crazy if he doesn't.
Your Government leaks like a sieve. Why hasn't this leaked?
I've certainly been the recipient of a lot of US Government secrets, and I can tell you they've never seen the light of day. That's for sure.
I guess ostensively, this has leaked like a sieve for decades, but it was a very sophisticated disinformation campaign where they have allowed some of the truth to come out... they've disenfranchised people, they've stigmatized it, they've made it this like total whacky thing to talk about - so anybody who may come forward with that kind of information is looked like a total tin-foil hat guy cause its a perfect amalgamation of disinformation to just make it look crazy.
Analysis of UAP videos
"Gimbal" - 2015 - USS Theodore Roosevelt
It is certainly something that is not a jet.
"Tic-tac" - 2004 - USS Nimitz
Truly anomalous. Absolutely a technical vehicle, physical - that's absolutely something that we didn't make.
2019 - USS Omaha - off the coast of San Diego
We could never figure out where it went - we never figured out the origin of that... It wasn't just some random drone... It was truly anomalous.
I find it very concerning from a transparency perspective...
There are more concerning videos that left me with a lot of questions.
Intent, Agreements & Murder
... the logical fallacy there is that because they're advanced they're kind - we'll never understand full intent and that because we are not them - whatever them is or are but what appears to have been malevolent activity has happened. Based on nuclear site probing activities, witness testimony...
There have been instances and there are certain techniques [to bring down non-human craft]
Have human beings been hurt or killed by a Non-Human Intelligence?
I was briefed by a few individuals on the program that there were malevolent events like that.
Non-humans may well have murdered human beings?
That seems to be the case at one point.
Have we [America] made agreements with non-human intelligences?
That's the kind of information I really hope national leadership is able to get to the bottom of.
Are there agreements between non-human intelligences and the American Government?
I think that's a question that I would like to know all the details of as well.
[to keep the secrets safe, ] crimes must have been committed?
At the very least, I saw substantiate evidence of white collar crime that was committed.
Have people been killed to protect this secret?
Based on the people I've talked to, that was an ongoing concern... Over the years, yeah.